Stathletes could easily operate from anywhere in the world, inclusive of major urban centres that are home to their competition. But Neil Lane and the team at Stathletes remain advocates and loyal to St. Catharines for a variety of different reasons.
Who are Stathletes?
The company is proud to serve all major North American hockey leagues, their partners and affiliates with exclusive data, reports, insights and visualizations. Neil Lane, a Brock graduate (BBA ’08) from the Goodman School of Business, is CEO and a co-founder of the company Stathletes.
How Do Stathletes Benefit from the Cross-Cutting Sector in St. Catharines?
Lane highlights the following attributes about both doing business and living in St. Catharines:
- Proximity to the University/College Corridor - (Human Capital)
- Central to servicing North American clientele
- Proximity to major airport hubs
- Cost of living/quality of life for their employees
- Access to Research and Innovation Centres (RIC’s)
- Proximity to United States border (3 border crossings within a 45 minute drive)
- Affordable rents that are competitive
- Proximity to top 4 sports leagues in North America
What is the Result of that Benefit?
The organization crunches data to provide an in-depth analysis of the performance of individual hockey players. According to Lane, “One goal can mean the difference between missing and making the playoffs–and millions of dollars.”