When Tucows had to make a decision about where to expand its customer support operations, St. Catharines quickly rose to the top of the list.
Who is Tucows?
Tucows provides gigabit fiber, mobile phone service and domain name services in the United States and around the world.
How Does Tucows Benefit from the Professional, Engineering, Scientific, Business Support & Technical Services Sector in St. Catharines?
The company was well aware of the amenable labor market and highly qualified workforce and were especially pleased by how the city has invested in the downtown to spur redevelopment and grow the creative cultural industry. They indicated that the city’s long-term development plan was also a determining factor, and that they wanted to be a part of that transition in the community.
What is the Result of that Benefit?
Tucows has been located in St. Catharines for 3 years now and have a strong appreciation for the partnership they have with local city officials, and its administration.