Whether they’re offering delicious treats or renting out paddleboards, food truck and vending cart operators can now apply to set up shop at City of St. Catharines parks and facilities.
In June, City Council approved a new policy allowing food trucks and mobile vending carts to establish seasonal business operations on City property. Developed in response to both resident and business requests, the policy provides businesses with the opportunity to apply for a dedicated space each year.
The City is welcoming location suggestions from businesses based on the policy criteria during the application process. Parking availability and proximity to other food services will also be considered. The application process will give preference to accessible, environmentally friendly and Niagara-based organizations.
Successful applicants will need to obtain their Hawkers and Peddlers Licence, a food truck and mobile vending cart park permit and pay an environmental fee. Interested businesses can fill out an application anytime between June 28 and July 18 at stcatharines.ca/VendorPermit. The operating season is expected to run until Sept. 30.